ed peers photography

UK Wedding Photography Workshop

UK Wedding Photography Workshop

I’m super excited to announce my next Every Wedding is an Adventure Workshop at my home in Surrey, UK on Wednesday 22 March this year.

The aim of the workshop is to create a relaxed forum where I’ll being sharing my journey and my approach to business and photographing weddings, with the aim of inspiring people to build a business they’re passionate about. As well as be inspired, I want people to leave equipped with practical information to help them wherever they may be along their journey in wedding photography. I promise to be an open book 🙂

Topics will include: developing a unique brand, how to reach your ideal clients, composition and light, storytelling, approaching destination weddings, developing an efficient workflow, and finding a balance. The day will also include a live shoot with a real couple in a nearby forest. The workshop will run from 09:00am to 6:00pm and everyone will be encouraged to continue to hang out for some food and drink in the evening.

Seats are limited to 12 and the cost per seat is £450 incl. VAT. Lunch and snacks will be provided. Drop me an email at info [at] edpeers.com and I’ll send you the info you need to reserve your spot. I hope you’ll be able to join us!

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